James Naleski | Epilepsy NYC - Epilepsy Foundation of Metropolitan New York

About: James Naleski

Profile: My life began in 1995 when I was born into an orphanage in Eastern Europe. Soon after, I was blessed with wonderful new parents who adopted and raised me as their own in America. Of the many early challenges I faced, vocal stuttering and childhood epilepsy were the most serious. I was first diagnosed with seizures when I was 12 years old (in the six grade) and my first seizure happened in school. Because of these conditions, I was often bullied in school. I felt lonely and betrayed by my peers. Slowly, I began to withdraw from childhood friends and retreated in my own world. As time went on, I discovered a path to self-expression by communicating through the arts. I was keenly interested in and began working on projects in illustration, music composition and photography. A new world quickly opened up for me as I used my "voice" of sounds and images to explore more deeply the business of music production and engineering. I began to work with Azara and started to express myself musically. Later, I was very fortunate to catch a break when I assisted in producing songs for various major recording artists. My dream is to create a career in the arts, one that will help inspire other struggling artists to persevere and push beyond the seemingly hopeless circumstances they sometimes face in life.

Posts by James Naleski:

My Epilepsy Story

I recall the day I had my first seizure very well. I was walking into the room where a school-wide mass was taking place when suddenly, as the music began, I became very anxious. Everything seemed to be in slow motion – even the music slowed down and I started to shake. I did everything […]